Lacquer |
A clear gloss coating applied to printed material for strength, appearance and protection. |
Laid Finish |
A parallel lined paper that has a handmade look. |
Laser Engraving |
A paper cutting technique whereby laser technology is utilized to cut away certain unmasked areas of the paper. The cutting is a result of the exposure of the paper to the laser ray, which actually evaporates the paper. |
Lay Edge |
Edge of a sheet of paper being fed into a printing press. |
Layout |
A rendition that shows the placement of all the elements, roughs, thumbnails etc., of the final printed piece before it goes to print. |
Leaders |
The dots or dashes used in type to guide the eye from one set of type to the next. |
Leading |
Space between lines of type; the distance in points between one baseline and the next. |
Leaf |
One of a number of folds (each containing two pages) which comprises a book or manuscript. |
Leaf Stamping |
A metal die, either (flat, or embossed), created from the image or copy, which is then heated to a specific temperature which allows the transfer of a film of pigmented polyester to the paper. |
Ledger Paper |
A stiff heavy business paper generally used for keeping records. |
Length |
The optimum length of a filament of ink. |
Letterpress |
Printing that utilizes inked raised surfaces to create the image. |
Letterspacing |
The addition of space between typeset letters. |
Line Copy |
Any copy that can be reproduced without the use of halftone screens. |
Linen |
A paper that emulates the look and texture of linen cloth. |
Lithocoated Paper |
A paper that is coated with a special water-resistant material which is able to withstand the lithographic process. |
Lithography |
The process of printing that utilizes flat inked surfaces to create the printed images. |
Logotype |
A personalized type or design symbol for a company or product. |